
Organizational software for kindergartens.


A lot has to be documented, organized and planned in day-care centers. This consumes a lot of educators‘ time. However many daycare centers still work on paper because the existing applications are complicated, confusing and difficult to use.

The applications present major hurdles, especially for the age group that is less affine in the use of digital applications. Users are constantly afraid of doing something wrong.

„I’m always afraid of pressing the wrong button.
-Kindergarten manger


How might we assist cild care educators make their work documentation easier and less time-consuming?

A flat hierarchy should make the application uncomplicated, time-saving and easy to use. All important information and daily events should be available at one glance. So that the educators have more time for the most important thing: the children. In addition to the clear dashboard, we formulated three different use cases for the further design of the program, which we then worked out in detail.

Kids overview

The menu offers the option of selecting the individual widgets to obtain further information. All information about the children can be managed under the Kids menu tab. Thanks to the intuitive icon language and a flat hierarchy, all important information about the child can be seen at a glance. Everything they have learned can be quickly and easily added to the development status.


Letters to parents can be created in just a few minutes. The form guides the user through the creation of the messages. Surveys, read receipts and important attachments can be created and uploaded directly here. Answers and reactions can be retrieved straight away in the application. Communication with parents becomes quick and easy.


There are also regular events in kindergartens that need to be planned. By filling out a dialog box, the event is entered in the calendar in just a few steps, all participants get notified and are therefore up to date.

Visual Design

With neutral colors and clean elements, we support the simplicity of the program. The organic curves and a few colorful accent colors also integrate the lively environment of the kindergarten into the application. For icons and fonts, good legibility and recognizability were important to us. We also paid particular attention to micro-interactions, which should support the user experience.


That was the first project in which we ever dealt with micro-interactions or micro-animation. I learned a lot in the process and above all realized what a big difference such small details can make.


Luzie Funk, Marla Wagner, Alina Remlinger


Thomas Techert
Application Design 2
4th semester – 4 months


Miro, Figma, Illustrator, After Effects